ACDEH stands for Alameda County Department of Environmental Health.  They are one of the oversite boards that can be responsible for implementing, administering or enforcing remedial action plans for redevelopment sites in Alameda County. If a redevelopment site has known contamination or is located in close proximity to a suspect site with a history of contamination,  the ACDEH can be brought in by other government agencies such as the City of Oakland to work with developers on a remediation plan. ACDEH may also be engaged voluntarily by project teams that have sites that have no open cases or known contamination.

In the case of the 1900 Broadway project, the development team entered into a voluntary remedial action plan after acquiring the site.

Mission Statement from ACDEH Website:

The mission of the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health is to protect the health, safety and well-being of the public through the promotion of environmental quality.

ACDEH Contact Information:

Name Contact Information
Drew York, ACDEH LOP Case Manager (510) 639-1276;
Paresh Khatri, ACDEH LOP Program Manager (510) 777-2478; paresh.khatri@acgov.og


While ACDEH will act to protect the community from environmental issues related to soil contamination, air quality control and things of that nature, ACDEH is not responsible for the following items:

  • Traffic control issues
  • Graffiti
  • Vandalism
  • Parking related violations
  • Noise concerns
  • Other non-environmental health related items.

Please direct your comments first to the Project team by using our Contact Us Page or further to the City of Oakland if necessary.