In the event that our construction team encounters newly discovered soil that has visible signs of contamination the contractor has the following protocols in place:
- In-Situ Soil Samples. An in-situ soil sample will be collected from the same location and depth as the previously unidentified suspect soil and 1-foot below this depth. Additional samples will also be collected at the same depths at a minimum of four step-out locations to assess soil conditions around the suspect sample location. The four step-out locations will be located approximately 5 feet to the north, south, east, and west of the suspect sample location. Each sample will be collected using a pre-cleaned hand trowel and transferred into laboratory-supplied glass containers and observed for evidence of odors and staining and screened for VOCs using a PID. Samples collected to be analyzed for VOCs will be collected using Terracore™ (or equivalent) samplers. If any of the in-situ soil samples show evidence of odors and staining or VOCs are detected above 10 parts per million by volume (ppmv) then environmental sample(s) will be retained for analyses.
- Stockpiled Soil Samples. If previously unidentified suspect soil is stockpiled on-site, samples will be obtained using a pre-cleaned hand trowel and transferred into laboratory-supplied glass containers. One 4-point composite sample will be collected for every 200 cubic yards of material generated per disposal/accepting facility requirements.
- Laboratory Analysis. Following soil sample collection, the containers will be labeled for identification and immediately placed in a chilled, thermally insulated cooler containing bagged cie or blue ice. The cooler containing the samples will then be delivered under chain of custody protocol to a state-certified laboratory. Discrete and composite samples will be submitted, at a minimum, for laboratory analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) and VOCs by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Test Method 8260B and total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as diesel (TPH-d) and motor oil (TPH-mo) by U.S. EPA Test Method 8015M. All soil samples submitted for analysis by U.S. EPA Method 5035 using Teracore™ (or equivalent samplers. Samples may also be analyzed for Title 22 metals using U.S. EPA Test Method 6010B or other constituents as determined by the Environmental Consultant and the ACDEH LOP or as part of waste characterization testing for off-Site disposal. If necessary, extractable metals tests (i.e., leaching test including waste extraction test [WET] and/or toxicity characteristic leaching test including waste extraction test [WET] and/or toxicity characteristic leaching procedure [TCLP] procedures) will be conducted on the samples with elevated total metals concentrations to establish if the soils are hazardous based on their leaching characteristics.
After the evaluation is complete, the Environmental Consultant that is working on the Project will provide the Developer, General Contractor, and the ACDEH LOP conclusions regarding potential risks of the suspect material to human health and the environment as well as recommendations for proper removal and disposal of the affected soil. All soil removal work will be approved by the ACDEH LOP prior to implementation. If VOC-affected soil is encountered, a notification will be provided to BAAQMD as required in the guidelines for aeration of contaminated soil.