Q: What are your plans to support local business? How will you enable more normalized operation when businesses are impacted by being located in a construction zone?
A: In regards to construction workers potentially occupying parking spots, Suffolk and all of its subcontractors must adhere to local parking regulations and metering. Our contractor and subcontractor should not be occupying parking spaces for extended times, and we want to ensure retail customers and residents are able to access parking spaces adjacent to the site. We will be reaching out to Suffolk and their subcontractors to reinforce the policies already in place, and to ensure that those policies are respected. Previously, parking metering was temporarily suspended due to COVID-19, but the Department of Transportation reenacted parking enforcement on the week of July 9th.
Additionally, there is a requirement of Suffolk subcontractors not to use street parking, they must use secure parking passes for off street parking. Additionally, in the COVID-19 environment throughout the beginning next year, the construction schedule will not require more than on average 20 to 30 people on site, and most of the time it should be less than 20 people on site. This will be true throughout the process of excavation and shoring on site. There may be a few days where more crew may be on site, not until we begin to place concrete and rebar, around the new year. During demolition, the number of people on site were in the single digits, as that work does not require a large number of workers on site. During the later stages of construction (construction of interiors and facades) there will be more personnel on site.